Advanced Hand Sanitizer

Advanced Hand Sanitizer Guaranteed to be at least 62% Ethyl/Isopropyl Alcohol. We are attempting to maintain a constant supply of Sanitizer bottles in stock. Because of the scarcity of items, the bottle received may vary.
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Important Disclosures

For large organizations or agency orders please call us for pricing information.

(973) 982-6031

Returns for these items, including but not limited to self-defense sprays, chemical kits, PPE Items such as head, Shoe covers, gowns, and all other Covid response related supplies,  select first aid kits and components, road flares, and fire extinguishers cannot be accepted. If you are unsure if the product you are returning falls in to this category, please contact our Customer Service. Refunds may be available depending on circumstances.

Availability: In stock


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