5.11 NYPD Short Duty Jacket

  • inculdes a full zip out FLEECE liner that can be worn by itself
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Verification Required to Purchase Patches

You cannot place orders with patches until you verify your status in the NYPD.

Orders With NYPD Patches

Please note that in order for you to place an order with NYPD patches we need to vefiry that you are an NYPD officer.

You can verify your account in one of three ways.

  1. You can register with your personal email and submit a valid NYPD.org email here. Then wait for a manual confirmation.
  2. You can email a picture of your Tax ID (Front & Back) to support@nycpduniforms.com
  3. Or Give us a call at (855) 692-7500

This is a one time process that must be done when setting up your NYPD Officer account.

Availability: In stock


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